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Searching & Booking


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Terms and


General Terms and Conditions for Booking Hotel Accommodations

These Terms and Conditions govern the rental of hotel rooms as well as any deliveries or services provided for Guests by Schlosshotel Ingelfingen. Our General Terms and Conditions for Events apply in the case of events. No other terms and conditions shall apply unless expressly accepted by us in writing.

  1. Conclusion of Contract

1.1 Our quotations are subject to change without notice. A booking request made by the Guest shall become binding upon confirmation by us orally or in writing.

1.2 Option periods shall be binding for both parties. We reserve the right to reassign reserved rooms at the end of the option period.

1.3 Rooms and contingents of rooms may not be sublet or otherwise rented to third parties without our written consent. The right of rescission pursuant to Section 540 para. (1) sent. 2 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch – BGB) is waived if the Guest is not a consumer.

  1. Prices, Payment, Vouchers

2.1 The Guest shall pay the price agreed with us for the use of the room and other services. The agreed prices include value-added tax. We reserve the right to revise the agreed prices accordingly without the express consent of the Guest in the case of any increase in the amount of the value-added tax included in our prices. In the case of contracts with consumers (i.e., Guests who enter into the contract for reasons that are primarily unrelated to their commercial or professional activities), this shall apply only if the period that elapses between the time of conclusion of the contract and the time of performance exceeds four (4) months.

2.2 Unless agreed otherwise, our invoices are due and payable net of any discount for prompt payment within ten (10) days of the date of the issuance by EC / Visa / Master Card or bank transfer order. The provisions of law shall apply in the case of default in payment.

2.3 We reserve the right to require an appropriate deposit or payment in advance, for example, in the form of a credit card guarantee.

2.4 Vouchers shall not be disbursed in cash.

  1. Rescission or Cancellation by Guest

3.1 Bookings may be cancelled free of charge as follows:

  • up to one (1) day prior to arrival in the case of up to four (4) rooms;
  • up to seven (7) days prior to arrival for between five (5) and nine (9) rooms;
  • up to fourteen (14) days prior to arrival for between ten (10) and nineteen (19) rooms;
  • up to twenty-eight (28) days prior to arrival for twenty (20) or more rooms.

In the case of any cancellation that is not made within the above periods, we reserve the right to invoice the Guest for the agreed amount unless the Guest can invoke a legal right to rescission or cancellation. We shall, however, credit the Guest for any amounts otherwise received for the respective accommodations and savings resulting from services not used by the Guest. In the case of rooms that remain unrented, we reserve the right to take such savings from services that are not used by the Guest into account by deducting a flat amount. In such cases, we shall bill 80% of the respective agreed price for accommodations with or without breakfast and 70% of the agreed total price in the case of half-board arrangements.

If a Guest has booked a room and fails to check in, we reserve the right to invoice the full price of accommodations insofar as we cannot realize any savings. If it is possible to realize savings, we shall credit the Guest accordingly.

This shall not apply if the Guest can provide proof to the effect that an amount retained on the basis of the above criteria is excessive.

3.2 Any change in the number of occupants must be confirmed in written form by us. The check-in date shall not be counted for the purposes of application of our cancellation policy. In order to meet the respective deadline, the cancellation notice must be received by us no later than 6:00 p.m. on the day on which the deadline expires.

3.3 In the absence of a legal reason for cancellation, the contractual agreement between us may be cancelled only if confirmed by us in writing.

3.4 We reserve the right to forward invoices for outstanding amounts.

  1. Rescission or Cancellation by Schlosshotel Ingelfingen

4.1 We reserve the right to cancel the contractual agreement with the Guest for objectively justified reasons, for example, if:

  • an instance of force majeure or other circumstances beyond our control make it impossible to honor the contract, we shall promptly refund any deposit in such cases;
  • the Guest fails to provide a deposit within an appropriate period stipulated by us;
  • accommodations are booked on the basis of misleading or incorrect information;
  • we have reason to assume that the use of the accommodations or services of the Hotel may impair security or reflect negatively upon the Hotel without this being within the sphere of control and organization of the Hotel.

4.2 In the event of justified cancellation, the Guest shall have no claims for loss or damages against us.

4.3 We may terminate the contract between us with immediate effect without notice in the case of any unauthorized use of the rented accommodations by the Guest without any reduction in the amount of consideration agreed. The Guest has the right to provide evidence that the loss actually incurred by us was less than that claimed.

  1. Check-in and Check-out

5.1 Reserved rooms shall be made available to the Guest as of 3:00 p.m. on the agreed day of arrival. Rooms shall not be made available earlier unless expressly confirmed by us.

5.2 Guests may not insist upon assignment of specific rooms or facilities unless expressly agreed to by us.

5.3 Rooms must be vacated and made available by no later than 11:00 a.m. on the agreed day of departure. In the case of later departure, the day use rate may be charged for additional use of the room up to 6:00 p.m. The full price of the room (lodging share) shall become due as of 6:00 p.m. We reserve the right to claim a greater loss.

  1. Liability of Schlosshotel Ingelfingen

6.1 We shall not assume liability for any failure on our part to fulfil our contractual obligations by reason of force majeure or strike. We shall, however endeavor to provide a comparable alternative.

6.2 We shall be liable for property and valuables of the Guest as provided by statutory provisions.

6.3 We shall otherwise be liable as stipulated below only in the case of intent or gross negligence as well as in the case of a culpable breach of material contractual obligations. Material contractual obligations shall be understood to mean obligations that must be fulfilled to achieve the purposes of a contract and upon fulfillment of which the parties to a contract will and may regularly rely. In the case of any breach of material contractual obligations, our liability shall be limited to foreseeable, typically occurring damages unless such damages can be attributed to intent or gross negligence on our part or that of our agents.

The above limitations shall not apply in the case of culpable injury to life, body or health or to claims arising in connection with the assumption of liability for a guarantee or mandatory liability under the Germann Product Liability Act (Produkthaftungsgesetz – ProdHaftG). We shall assume no liability except as otherwise stipulated above.

6.4 If a parking space on the Hotel’s parking lot is made available to the Guest, for consideration or otherwise, this shall not constitute a safekeeping agreement. We are under no obligation to provide surveillance. We shall assume no liability in the case of loss of or damage to vehicles parked on Hotel premises or possessions unless such loss or damage can be attributed to intent or grossly negligent actions on the part of representatives or agents of the Hotel.

6.5 Any mail or parcels addressed to the Guest shall be treated carefully. We shall store, deliver and, if requested to do so, forward such mail or parcels. The Guest shall bear the corresponding expense. Our liability shall be limited as stipulated in Section 6.3 above.

  1. Responsibility and Liability of Guest for Loss or Damage

7.1 The Guest shall be liable for any loss or damage caused by the Guest or guests of the Guest.

7.2 The Guest may use means of communication telephone or internet services at the Guest’s own risk.

  1. Miscellaneous

8.1 Electronic data required in connection with a contract between the parties shall be processed and stored in compliance with applicable legislation governing data protection, including in particular the provisions of the EU GDPR. It is understood that personal data shall be treated confidentially.

8.2 The invalidity of any of the provisions of a contract or this Terms and Conditions shall not otherwise affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

8.3 The place of performance and payment is Ingelfingen, Germany.

8.4 The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies. If the Guest is considered a consumer and maintains his or her habitual abode in a country other than the Federal Republic of Germany, the mandatory laws of that country that cannot be waived shall not be affected by the choice of law as stipulated above.

8.5 Künzelsau, Germany, shall be the place of jurisdiction for any legal disputes between the parties if the Guest is a merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch – HGB) or a legal entity under public law. The two parties agree to refrain from making any public statements in the case of any legal dispute.

8.6 The European Commission provides a platform for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR):

In accordance with Section 36 of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz – VSBG) we point out that we are not obliged to participate in any dispute resolution proceedings before any consumer arbitration board and do not participate in such procedure.

Version: June 2024
